Here is one of the many testimonials from our Love Your Liver program family. They were suffering from chronic diseases (as many of us are) and are improving. It is lovely that they took the time to share their insights with us, helping us learn, progress, and grow our program!

Dr Smith’s lactoferrin is quite amazing. There’s a reason studies are claiming it to be a miracle protein. My liver function is way up since I began using it, and I have always had bowel issues throughout my life. It’s very strong, so I can only do a little at a time, but that also means every little bit counts that much more. I’ve never been so regular!
- W.N.

I was a colon therapist, nutritional counsellor, reiki practitioner, Matrix Energetics practitioner and Transformation Coach. I studied Ayurveda and dabbled in Chinese medicine. I have been on every conceivable diet on Earth from Vegan to Paleo, PH diet to High Fat Keto. All these practices and diets gave me nothing but temporary relief. I interviewed many doctors and healer on my YouTube channel who helped me for a month or two, only to remove all those interviews after finding Dr. Garret Smith. He is the only TRUE HEALER I have ever encountered in my long road to recovery, and my interview with him is the only one that is kept on my YouTube channel. He taught me how to understand my body and allow it to heal itself. After 6 months working steadily with him, my horrific GERD symptoms are gone and I can eat at least 6 food items that I haven't been able to eat for years...and this is just the beginning of a very healthy future that is waiting for me.
- N.O.

Just wanted to update on LF. A week ago I went up from half a 1/64 twice a day to a full 1/32 twice a day. The catarrh and swollen lymph nodes are gone and I just feel great. Totally energized, full of life and sleeping amazingly well.
Another thing I noticed - I have had glossitis for several years. I realized recently that the bald patches were predominantly on the sides of my tongue which according to the Chinese tongue map corresponds to the liver. Well yesterday I noticed, it has healed! I think it is the LF, as I still had it the first few months of doing this diet, so it seems like a recent change.
I also think that LF has been of better value than a marriage counselor (especially as I have only used about 3 dollars worth on him so far!) - my husband is a new man, like a personality change overnight and still going strong 3 weeks later. There is no more sitting around exhausted and staring mindlessly at his phone for hours on weekends. He is up early, hanging out with me and the kids, eating better (still a way to go but massive improvement), helping tidy up the house, has quit smoking, is exercising regularly with our neighbor, he is happier, with a much more even mood. It has blown him out of his rut, its like a miracle thank you!!!!!! After I previously couldn't get him interested in having the testing, now he is like 'hey when are we doing my HTMA [hair mineral analysis]?' Amazing! I'm a happy wife.
- S.G.

I purchased a 90 count supply of lactoferrin earlier this year. I started slow and worked my way up to one capsule per day after 2 weeks. It really seemed to fix my gas/gut issues and helped me to become more regular. I could really tell it was causing an increase in bile being excreted the right way instead of the bile backing up into my blood. I plan to order more soon.