Nutrition Detective Testimonial-Major Improvements

Here are a few of the many testimonials from our Love Your Liver program family. They were suffering from chronic diseases (as many of us are) and are improving.  It is so nice that they took the time to share their insights with us, in turn helping us learn, progress, and grow our program!

"I am sleeping better. No longer waking up to go to the bathroom most nights. Hair not falling out as much. My liver spots and spider veins seem a little bit lighter and not as hungry as I was. Chapped sore lips have cleared right up on the R-5-P. Thanks! Thanks so much for everything. I told a friend of mine that so far, you have done more to help me than any other doctor put together in the last 3 years! I'm so very grateful that you are doing what you do, and I want you to know that you are definitely helping people - me included."-K.L.