Nutrition Detective

Lactoferrin - VIP


Lactoferrin, 315 mg, 30 capsules.

No returns will be accepted, and no refunds will be provided for incorrect purchases. A 20% restocking fee will be retained when the cancellation of an unshipped order is requested. NO Exceptions.

Due to the ever-changing worldwide import rules, the international shipping fees charged on supplement orders are non-refundable, and it is up to the individual to check with their Customs & Import department for current import rules. We offer no guarantee at all that orders will be delivered based on Customs & Import regulations. Should the order be rejected by your local Customs & Import department, the purchase price of your order will only be refunded once the package has been received back to our office.  

Detailed instructions on dosing can be found at:

How Your Liver’s “Leaky Output” Goes Berserk In Your Bloodstream

Why it affects your energy levels, PLUS how French milk can fix that…

Waiting for your energy levels and digestive issues to improve on their own is a fantasy. When you need to be your best self - whether it’s hanging out with friends or enjoying holidays with family - then you don’t want to “wait” and let happiness slip through your fingers.

Unfortunately, fixing your health often feels like an uphill battle:

  • Perhaps you've tried countless remedies and dietary changes, but your symptoms persist. Your efforts seem meaningless, or the relief you experience is short-term.
  • Or maybe the weight of declining health and sensitivities feels overwhelming, and achieving the well-being you deserve feels like a distant dream.
  • And in the midst of everyday life struggles, household responsibilities, and the issues that pop up at the most random moment, that stress becomes even more pressing.

And for anyone who’s ever wanted to “detox,” there are plenty of ways to do it, and you can easily look up some “gurus” online that’ll tell you how to do that…

The REAL problem is that…

Most Health Practitioners Don’t Know About It 

Or they take away your chance for a healthy liver by ignoring it…

It’s about your bile, or more simply put, the liver’s poop - the byproduct created after removing undesirable things in your body. These undesirables can be… 

  • Heavy metals 
  • Excess “vitamins” 
  • Undesired chemical compounds 

Your liver crafts this liquid bile, and it takes a private journey, like a waterslide through a maze of ducts, just to reach its final destination: the colon.

But as we age, as well as get exposed to more and more toxins, the bile ducts eventually…

Burst!...spilling toxic bile into the bloodstream and creating all kinds of havoc 


All until that bile is returned to the liver, so you’ll feel better until the next time your liver dumps bile… 

Only to have the whole process start over again, making you feel more uncomfortable.  

“Detoxing” your liver will end up just making you feel a lot WORSE before you feel better… 


You NEED to make it easier for this “toxic bile leak” to reach your colon, eventually leaving your body

Instead of going on a crusade against your bloodstream and damaging your system…

You can fix your liver long-term and not only save $1000s on various detoxification techniques but also:

  • Rebalance the gut microbiome - improve your digestion so you don’t feel like the living dead after eating while strengthening your immune system to finally say a powerful “NO” to chronic diseases
  • Fix iron deficiency anemiasSTOP the feeling of “Wish I could go back to sleep” after just a few hours of your day and blow your energy levels through the roof!
  • Support the breaking down of biofilms - help your body to reduce inflammation and improve overall health with the least effort possible

Improving Your Health Is Easy With 

Nutrition Detective’s Lactoferrin


It is completely free from any “extra” ingredients like fillers, additives, binders…

PLUS, it comes from FRESH, premium French milk!

By using this fresh and natural source, my clients have told me they have far fewer negative reactions when using our lactoferrin than competitors’.

So, if you want to give your detox system and overall health a chance to throw your problems out the window…

Click the link below to get the protein that can help you do it, 

and stop wasting your precious health and time!

Place your order today

P.S. If you have had strong reactions to other lactoferrin products previously, or did not notice benefits from them, or you just want to avoid wasting $100s on something that doesn’t work…

Try NDLF right now and STOP your health from declining immediately while improving your energy levels, just like all the people who have already tried it:

Place your order today


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