Nutrition Detective Testimonial-Amazing Weight Loss & Correcting Body Function

Here are a few of the many testimonials from our Love Your Liver program family. They were suffering from chronic diseases (as many of us are) and are improving.  It is so nice that they took the time to share their insights with us, in turn helping us learn, progress, and grow our program!

"You do not know how happy I am today putting all these pieces together. Since I started your program I’ve felt better the past 2 weeks I have in years. I’ve lost 9 lbs even though I’m eating (eating a lot actually, I’ve been getting all my potassium in from fruits and veggies). I feel like my body may actually be starting to function correctly and I may have a chance to beat this (especially if I can get these pesky infections under control)!  I’ve been going to naturopathic doctors for 8 years now, and while they’ve helped me immensely, I’ve been treating my “adrenals” for 8 years and my cortisol levels have barely increased the tiniest amount IN 8 YEARS!"-A.S.